☀Live Room☀


Live Room

Live Room was my RCA MA Show installation (2018), captioned: an interactive resting place.

The installation was woven out of stripped Ethernet cables, which were due to be discarded following a complete wireless upgrade at the RCA.

During the RCA show I hosted a series of open workshops in the installation, where visitors were invited to contribute to Live Room by weaving a wire sculpture to add to the installation. In the process, participants learnt a new skill, connected with each other and added to the work. As a result, they left feeling empowered, re-charged and re-energised: ready to explore the rest of the show.

By creating a resting place for both the audience and the Ethernet cables, the work aimed to combat "graduate show fatigue", using the upcycling of waste as means to a sited growth, amplified connectivity and experienced rejuvenatation.

